Friday, January 3, 2014

Have I mentioned...

I have an unhealthy habit of getting obsessed with games/settings? I know this is a common affliction amongst folks.

Exhibit A: Flames of War - wherein I have painted more Germans than one-who-has-never-played-the-game should have. If that wasn't enough I painted a small American force as well.

A box too far

I still look at the box(s) and wonder what I'm going to do with this stuff.

Exhibit B: My brief fling with GHQ Soviets - wherein I painted many vehicles at the eye-straining scale. I considered using the Avalon Hill MBT rule set quite a while ago - to the point of buying a used copy of the game. I'm still in the consideration stage.

Micro Blur next to a WIP Samurai

Exhibit C: My briefer fling with Bolt Action Americans. Wherein I painted up a platoon of Americans while telling myself they were practice for the impending arrival of Rivet Wars. Great, but that was 5 months before Rivet Wars was set to ship (it's somewhere in the middle of America as we speak). I also did some Romans, because nothing says WWI like Rome.

Converted Centurion with fanciful transverse crest.

Exhibit E: Nah, we'll stop while I'm ahead.

Of note at Madkat Labs is our current sussing of the e-version of Wargames Illustrated. I yearly purchase an "e-something." Last year was a silver subscription to Osprey (for the pictures really).

Also of note I apparently entered the electronic age and have bid on an item from e-bay. I sense I am going to lose.

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