Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm a loser baby...

so go ahead and outbid me.

Here at MadKat's labs my first lot of Epic Marines have arrived, and a test-group (5 marines, one dreadnought) was done up in my made-up Chapter's color scheme. I'm not terribly pleased, but neither am I filled with unholy rage.

l-r Battlefront ANZAC, Epic Contemptor, Epic Marine
test stand, and a chaos 28mm samurai

No, the unholy rage is reserved for eBay. I've been delving deeper into the mysteries of eBay, actually  mostly losing bids, and I cannot figure the damn thing out. Some items go like their plastic is infused with platinum. Others are left for the carrion eaters like me, who get chased off at the last second (literally). I lost at least one bid because The Little GM*, distracted me with tales of what her Monster High (that oughta boost hits) dolls were up to. Now, I assume there are the "three weird tricks to winning all eBay auction" pages out there, but we're bidding on plastic and metal at eye-numbing scales. Plumbing such depths are beneath me, or are they...? Oy.

It's been real, but I'm off to paint before I learn what Abby Bominal ate for breakfast.

*The Little GM is the name my friends have given my daughter.

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