Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What doth the new year bring?

Other than trials and tribulations?
I've embarked on a quest of sorts recently. The goal is to cease simply watching tabletop gamers and to do it. In that vein I've purchased Osprey's Ronin game rules and painted up a decent sized Bushi Buntai and Sohei Buntai (even sticking to the Sohei after reading The Teeth and Claws of the Buddha, which was interesting despite its condescending attitude). That group was primarily Perry Miniatures samurai in non-historical color schemes. 

Several crap samurai in progress (taken with an iPad)

My goals for the year are:

  • Improve my painting and basing!
  • Paint and post images of my work (to inflict punishment on the world) including;
  • Start on either an ECW army, Napoleonic army, or finish my Zulu War Brits (which I have dreams of using for Space 1889.
  • Work on making some terrain for the Ronin system.
  • Do some modern 15mm or 20mm army building (thinking Twilight 2000 inspired armies).
  • Get a copy of Epic 40k, or at least dabble in something akin to it.
  • Game!
This hardly seems an audacious set of goals. Trust me, it is. We'll see how 2014 turns out at Madkat Labs.

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