Sunday, January 26, 2014

The year of living EPICly

or how I've gone big (and not gone home).

I share, with many in the gaming community, a bit of an obsessive personality. Hence I've now determined to focus on building my non-canon, non-endorsed chapter The Sons of Sol. The means vigilant trolling of the ebay, which I've noted in several posts already. You'd think those 6mm bits of plastic are gold given the prices online. It might be a fun cost-breakdown of the weight of gold v. epic space marines to see if indeed it's worth more. Maybe that's for another day.

Since I began searching ebay, I've seen prices for the fecking bastards increase greatly. It's a little shocking, though I'm guessing the international community senses an easy mark in me. Hence, this will be the year of living EPICly. My gaming/fun fund will not be scattered to the four winds, but focused on my Sons of Sol chapter and marginalia.

Well, not solely. I do intend to do the Empress Miniatures Kickstarter (the modern German v. Russian one) if it should come out this year. I also intend to throw money at Rivet Wars if they do another Kickstarter. Finally, I've saw on Realms of Chaos that there'll be an Oldhammer Kickstarter soon. But the bulk of my funding shall be in and around my new epic obsession. This does include:
  • getting some GHQ hex material to make terrain.
  • getting some 1/300 and/or N-scale buildings to add to the fun.
  • continuing on painting the eyestrain inducing little bastards I have/hope to have.
  • possibly getting a second army. While I will be playing with myself most likely (pun intended) I want to do it in style (eww).
Of note as well, painting white sucks. The scheme (after consulting the wiser half who isn't color-blind) is white and gold. I've had to make a special run to grab some vallejo white paint (I swear by vallejo model colors, though I like GW washes) from my local game store.

Enough nattering, I'll put up some pics when I feel like I can do them some (in)justice. 

p.s. the title is stolen from A great read I might add.

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